Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

HAPPY 2012!
Can't wait to see everyone!

Monday, November 14, 2011


I hope everyone knows about the STORYBOOK PARADE tomorrow at 9am. Children are encouraged to come to school dressed as a favorite book character.We discussed this a lot last week and I stressed that carrying the book, some kind of prop, or a poster about the book would be great.They voted to not do a class costume.All parents are invited to view the parade, which begins at 9 am.
STUDENT LED CONFERENCES ARE THIS WEDNESDAY! This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see what your child has learned so far this fall. Please sign up for a time slot if you have not done so already.Your child will lead the conference, and they will have an agenda to stick with.I will be in the room, but they are in charge.
FIELD TRIP TO THE MUSEUM NOV. 29th!More info coming very soon. We have our needed chaperones, if I'm not mistaken. Please remind me who you are!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thanks everyone, we had a great class party!
Our SPOOKY SPAGHETTI BOOTH is the Cakewalk! yay- everyone loves a good Cakewalk, don't they? Sign up for a shift and join the fun.The sign up sheet is posted outside our door.
Don't forget, tomorrow is FREE DRESS DAY!!
All for now,
Ms. J

Monday, September 19, 2011

week of September 19th
*TIMELINE homework due Sept.26th. This is designed for your child to understand chronilogical order. Photos should be copied if they are "one of a kind".Please refer to the rubric, which explains the point system for earning a grade.I've asked the kids to begin this project after tomorrow, when I can show them an example. Since this project will be graded, please remind them to take their time. Please assist them in following the guidelines!
* In math, we are working on simple addition facts and making groups of ten. We are reviewing counting forward and backwards by 10's. We are discovering the 100 grid and finding mathematical patterns in it.
*THANKS to everyone who has donated funds for our field trips this year. Some of you have sent checks and I will now need you to sign a donation form as well. They are hanging outside our door.
*CLASS PARTY!! WEDS. Sept.28th at 5 thirty on the basketball pavilion. A sign up sheet for food items is outside the door. Come for a bit and meet everyone! Hope to see you there!
*BOXTOPS! PLEASE SEND THEM IN ONCE YOU HAVE AT LEAST 10...OR, wait until you have a huge bagful...but please clip those boxtops for our classroom!
*Progress reports will go home tomorrow (Tues) in the brown 'green' folder. Please sign and return this week.
Thanks and have a great week!
Ms. J

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 3- settling in!

We are so busy! Don't be surprised if your first grader is exhausted at night! The first few weeks of first grade are a whirlwind of new routines, expectations, tests and HOMEWORK! Before formal reading groups can begin, the children have to learn what "reading stations" are and what is expected of them. They are learning to trust themselves as learners, to take risks with "kid spelling," to problem solve and to be more independent. Reading stations in first grade are somewhat different than what your child may be used to from Kindergarten.
By now, most are remembering to unpack the yellow daily folder in the morning.If your child needs help remembering to show you any take home work each night, please remind them. That is their responsibility.It helps you know what we are doing in class and gives them a springboard for when you ask, "What did you do at school today?" and they say "Nothing!" There are many things we do in a day that can't be put in a folder, and sometimes the folder will be empty. However, the daily folder is meant to be a communication between school and home and it's important to go over it together nightly.
THANKS to our room moms who are organizing our classroom needs and lining up the support we need to make this a smooth, great year for all of us! I am so happy to be getting to know all of your wonderful kiddos and you, as well. I can already feel what an awesome year this will be!
Each and every parent plays a crucial role in our success. Don't be afraid to sign up for a job that seems overwhelming...because it won't be! Between us all, there is a wealth of creativity, experience and support, I promise you.
I hope to cover a lot at OPEN HOUSE, next TUESDAY. Until then, and for the rest of the year, please email me with questions or concerns and I will do my best to respond within 24 hours. My address is
Have a good week and thanks to everyone for a great beginning!
Ms. J

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A great first week!

We have a great class! In these early important weeks, the first graders are getting to know new friends, new routines, new skills and homework! Please assist your child with the homework and remind them to turn it into the HOMEWORK  BOX on Friday.We did the spelling words in ABC order in class. There will be a spelling test every Friday. This first one will be graded only if the majority of the class does well. Please mark your calendars for OPEN HOUSE September 13th at 5:30 in our classroom. Thanks for returning the first day packet so quickly!
All for now,
MS. Jackson

Monday, August 22, 2011

A brand new year!

We had a great first day!
Here are a few pics.



Our first planner

Our first planner

Sharing our self portraits

Sharing our self portraits